WHY Relay

More than just a fundraising walk, the American Cancer Society Relay For Life brings together passionate supporters who embody the American Cancer Society vision to end cancer as we know it, for everyone. This volunteer-led experience unites communities to celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost to cancer, and raise funds to improve the lives of people with cancer and their families through advocacy, research, and patient support to ensure everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer.

Although each Relay For Life event embraces the uniqueness of the home community, every event does have the same four signature elements: a celebration of cancer survivors, a celebration of caregivers, a luminaria ceremony to honor and remember loved ones, and the opportunity to fight back against cancer.


Join A Relay

Though Relay For Life may look different than it has in the past, our passion and commitment remain the same.
There are now more ways than ever for anyone, anywhere, to join the Relay community.

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Find A Participant Or Team


As a recognized leader in cancer research, the American Cancer Society knows that cancer patients and their families are counting on us to help save and improve lives each and every day. We are putting 100+ years of lifesaving experience to work through investments in cancer research, ensuring greater access to quality care, influencing public policy, and providing patient support. Thanks in large part to these decades of work, a cancer diagnosis does not come without hope, and the cancer journey is not one that is traveled alone.

Research Logo

More than $400 million currently invested in cancer research grants (as of April 2023).

We respond to about 300,000 requests and more than 119 million visitors to cancer.org.

Support Logo

141,500 patients and caregivers received information, referrals, and patient programs and services in 2022.